A Tale Of Two Cities
Peter Pan
a term

A Tale Of Two Cities
SENIOR ACTING (Woombye): 120 minutes, ages 12-18,
(Major production A TALE OF TWO CITIES in Term 3,
Senior Actors Showcase in Term 4
A thrilling tale of adventure and romance, mistaken identity, false imprisonment and daring escapes, all set against the backdrop of the French Revolution.
With a large ensemble cast of heroes and villains, stately aristocrats and blood-thirsty revolutionaries, students in this class delve deeply into the craft of dramatic acting, in this great ensemble piece of theatre.
This class can be taken just as
SENIOR ACTING class (Thursdays)
As a package with our
Peter Pan
SENIOR MUSICAL THEATRE, 120 minutes, ages 11-18
Major production PETER PAN
Be part of our magical adventure in this musical production of Peter Pan. Students are put through their paces with specialized vocal and physical training (including the art of fencing/sword-fighting), choreography and acting training.
Culminating in a major performance in Nov/Dec students in this class also prepare performances for film, the Vocal Eisteddfod and live performances throughout the year.
This class can be taken just as
As a package with our
SENIOR ACTING class (Thursdays)

Capture the Stage

Performers doing BOTH Senior Musical Theatre (Tuesday) and Senior Acting (Thursday)
have the opportunity to be in both a Drama, and a Musical Comedy production as well as compete in the Drama and Vocal Eisteddfods.
Actor Training for those who can’t keep off the stage.